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24 Best A/B Testing Tools in 2022 (Reviewed by CRO Experts)
4.5 (89.96%) 269 votes

So, you’ve decided to use an A/B testing tool to optimise your website – how do you know which one is best for you? Our CRO Experts reviewed 24 of the most popular A/B testing tools to help you pick the best one for your business.

There are now 24 major A/B testing tools on the market (not to mention those that offer testing as part of a wider service). We took the market leaders, including Optimizely, VWO, and Google Optimize, and ranked them according to features, usability and price.

UPDATE August 2021: We have removed ClickThroo and Unbounce form the list, since these are Landing Page Builders with A/B Testing feature, not A/B Testing tools to test any website. We have added and InspectLet that now offers A/B Testing.

UPDATE September 2021: Glassbox has acquired Convertize A/B testing platform, meaning that plans and prices are expected to change as Glassbox integrate the A/B testing tool to their suite.

a/b testing tools

Four years ago, the market for A/B testing tools was divided between two options: Optimizely and VWO. Since then, the number of options has grown. AB Tasty arrived, with a set of advanced features. In 2017, Google launched Optimize and Optimize 360. Now, there are more than 24 A/B Testing tools on the market.

Some options, such as VWO, offer features like heat-maps, questionnaires and session recording. Others have simplified their software and made it easier to use. Our list takes all these factors into account.

[sta_anchor id=”ab-testing-features”]A/B Testing Features[/sta_anchor]

Price is usually the first thing people ask about when choosing a new tool. The second is how easy it is to use. But there are other factors to consider. Our Comparison Table of A/B Testing Tools lists a series of ‘Must-have’ features, ‘Luxury’ features and technical specifications.

A/B Testing Tools “Must-have” features

  • A/B/n Testing -In an A/B test, your visitor sees version A or version B of a particular page. A test with three page versions might be called an A/B/C test. “A/B/n” is used as shorthand for a test that has “n” different versions. 
  • Visual Editor – Some of the A/B testing tools have in-built platforms for creating and editing webpages — a bit like having their own WordPress interface. They can be useful (particularly if the thought of working with your company’s IT team gives you the shudders)

A/B Testing Tools “Luxury” features

  • Dynamic Traffic Allocation (Multi-Armed Bandit) – This allows your Autopilot to finish the test as quickly as possible whilst sending traffic to the highest-converting page. The “Multi-Armed Bandit” is an algorithm that directs traffic to better-performing pages. Some A/B testing tools allocate traffic evenly between variation A and B. This could mean directing half of a website’s traffic to a bad version (which can cost large companies vast amounts of money). A Multi-Armed Bandit stops that happening. 
  • Library of A/B Testing Ideas – Everyone has experienced a mind-blank at some point. A library of ideas helps to break the ice
  • Multivariate Testing (MVT) -“Multivariate” or “Multivariable” (MVT) tests are simply ones in which you carry out A/B tests (or A/B/n ones) on several independent page elements simultaneously. There are different ways of carrying out multivariate (MVT) tests. You can show every single possible combination of page elements (“full factorial”) or only a fraction of them. The various kinds of “fractional factorial” test often have complicated-sounding names (for example, “Taguchi”). You can also choose to display losing combinations less frequently. 

Technical Specifications

  • Client-side – A/B testing tools work by telling internet browsers how to display a page. This is done by ‘tagging’ the page with several lines of Javascript. When the page is loaded, the Javascript contacts a back-office system which then tells the browser which content to show. This back-office system also keeps score of conversions.
  • Server Side -“Server-side” A/B testing tools run on the page’s server. The page is compiled by the server, and is presented to the browser in its finished form. In the same way that some PC software is only available for Windows or for Macs, some server-side software is only available for particular servers (such as PHP). 

The tool you choose should reflect the size of your business, your previous experience with A/B testing tools and your resources. If you need help deciding what kind of tool you need, we have created a set of questions to help you find the best A/B testing software.

[sta_anchor id=”ab-testing-tools-list” unsan=”ab testing tools list”]The 24 Best A/B Testing Tools in 2022[/sta_anchor]

Here is our list of the best A/B Testing tools for web agencies, marketers and e-commerce. For each one, we have built a table of prices and features. The tables show if the tool includes A/B/N testing, MVT, page editing and features like autopilot. 

To compare all of them at once, scroll down to our comparison table or click here: A/B testing tools comparison table

[sta_anchor id=”convertize”]1. Glassbox (Convertize)[/sta_anchor]

Glassbox (Israel) has recently acquired the Convertize A/B testing platform. The software allows any marketer to test their ideas, without the need for a webmaster. The most complex parts of a test, like how to distribute your traffic, have been automated. 

convertize a/b testing tool

The pricing scale is based on traffic and all plans include all features.

Please note that current plans and prices are expected to change as Glassbox will integrate the tool to their suite.

20,000 monthly visitors100,000 monthly visitors500,000 monthly visitors1,000,000monthly visitors

Starting from just $49 for 20,000 a month (the minimum required for statistically significant results), the tool allows users to test up to 1,000,000 visitors for $499 a month.

Setup & Subscription$49/month
How Pages are LoadedClient-side script with "Lightning Mode"
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)No
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditYes: Autopilot with Hybrid Statistics
Page EditingSmartEditor
Tactic LibraryYes: Neuromarketing Tactics

[sta_anchor id=”optimizely” unsan=”Optimizely”]2. Optimizely[/sta_anchor]

Optimizely (USA) is an executive solution that offers A/B testing and customisation options. This is the oldest and best known platform. It is also the most expensive at well over $1000/month.

optimizely a/b testing tool

Setup and SubscriptionAround $1000 (Available on Request)
How Pages are LoadedClient Side or Server Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditMulti-Armed Bandit
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryYes: Optiverse

[sta_anchor id=”google-optimize”]3. Google Optimize[/sta_anchor]

Google Optimize (USA) is Google’s A/B testing tool. It connects to Google Analytics (which is required to use the software). Google Optimize requires a Chrome extension, whilst Optimize 360 ​​provides a paid-for service that can test up to 10 variations of a page. Ergonomics and limitations make the A/B Testing tool difficult to use but it remains a popular option.

google a/b testing tools

Google Optimize 360
Setup and SubscriptionFree
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes, in Beta
Autopilot or Multi-Armed BanditNon
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”vwo” unsan=”VWO”]4. VWO[/sta_anchor]

VWO or Visual Website Optimizer (India) is another popular A/B testing tool with a focus on graphics and design. While VWO used to offer plans starting at $199/month, it’s not the case anymore. VWO has gone entreprise and you must contact sales to get custom pricing. 

vwo a/b testing tool

The pricing scale for VWO is based on both features and traffic.On their last public pricing update in Jan 2019, the most basic plan was priced at $368/month for 50,000 visitors per month.

Testing GrowthTesting ProTesting Enterprise
Price per month (monthly plan)Gated priceGated priceGated price
Annual PriceGated priceGated priceGated price
Setup and SubscriptionGated price (at least $4,000 per year)
How Pages are LoadedClient-Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryYes: Idea Factory

[sta_anchor id=”ab-tasty”]5. AB Tasty[/sta_anchor]

AB Tasty (France) is a well-known platform on the French market. It offers a good range of user insight and personalisation features. This A/B testing tool is designed with enterprise marketers in mind. Prices are no longer displayed on the site, indicating a switch in focus towards executive customers.

ab tasty testing tools



AB Tasty
Setup and Subscription$1000 Setup (min.) and $200/month
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot or Multi-Armed BanditMulti-Armed Bandit
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”convert-ab-testing”]6. Convert[/sta_anchor]

Convert (USA) is one of the A/B Testing tools recommended by ConversionXL founder Peep Laja. The tool positions itself as the alternative to Optimizely, and is similarly high-powered. The pricing policy is now business-oriented, with the first plan costing over $599/month (paid annually).

convert testing tools

Convert charges based on both traffic and features. Because of this, the precise cost for each feature is difficult to estimate. 

10,000 monthly visitors>10,000 700,000 monthly visitors1,300,000 monthly visitors
Essential$599/monthContact salesContact salesNot available
ProNot availableNot available$799/month$1699/month

One of the most important differences between the Essential and Pro plans is that the Pro plan includes “DMP profiling”. This feature is an automatic audience profiling system that helps you to segment your visitors.

Setup and Subscription$599/month
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”kameleoon-ab-testing”]7. Kameleoon[/sta_anchor]

Kameleoon (France) is an A/B testing tool designed for mid-sized and enterprise companies. It scales to also include server-side A/B/n testing, feature flagging, and AI personalization. Ecommerce brands value its integrations, including with Shopify Plus. HIPAA and GLBA compliant, Kameleoon is also a popular choice for healthcare and financial services.

The price of the annual license depends on your average monthly unique users/visitors over the last year.  Expect to pay at least $500/month.

Setup and SubscriptionAvailable on request
How Pages are LoadedClient Side (install SDK for server-side testing)
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot or Multi-Armed BanditMulti-Armed Bandit
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”omniconvert”]8. Omniconvert[/sta_anchor]

Omniconvert (Romania) targets small and medium enterprises. The A/B testing tool offers local segmentation and personalisation features, and the platform has consistently offered exceptional value for its range of features. The free plan (which allows testing on up to 5000 views) does not provide a plausible alternative to paid software, as it would be almost impossible to achieve significant results with this volume. 

omniconvert testing tools

Setup and Subscription$324/month
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”accenture-testing-platform-ab-testing” unsan=”Accenture Testing Platform A/B Testing”]9. Accenture Omnichannel Testing Platform[/sta_anchor]

The Accenture Testing Platform, launched in 2016, is a suite of digital testing systems which includes an A/B testing feature. Because of this, it is by far the most expensive option on our list. Installation and set-up alone costs over $25000. However, the service provided is comprehensive, and goes well beyond page testing. For those willing to spend the money, the platform provides AI, security and performance testing as well as user-engagement.

accenture a/b testing tool

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOver $25,000
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”adobe-target”]10. Adobe Target[/sta_anchor]

Adobe Target (USA) is Adobe’s A/B testing tool. This is an executive service used, for example, by HSBC. The price plan easily exceeds $10,000/month. However, for those who can justify such a heavy outlay, the tool provides large-scale high-powered testing. 

adobe a/b testing tools

Adobe Target
Setup and SubscriptionSetup Fee and $1000/month (min)
How Pages are LoadedServer Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditMulti-Armed Bandit
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”bound-ab-testing” unsan=”Bound A/B Testing”]11. Bound[/sta_anchor]

Bound 360 is a user-friendly mid-range platform. For the price, it is disappointing that the platform does not offer multivariate testing.

bound a/b testing tool

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionContact sales
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)No
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”conductrics-ab-testing” unsan=”Conductrics A/B Testing”]12. Conductrics[/sta_anchor]

Conductrics is built around the concept of “versions”. The platform delivers both personalisation and A/B testing, giving you full control over who sees what on your website. There is a user-friendly page builder for marketers who don’t have coding experience (“Conductrics Express”) and there is also an API solution for developers.

conductrics a/b testing tool

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn request
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditYes
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”evolv”]13.[/sta_anchor]

Evolv AI is an A/B Testing tool that utilize AI and Evolutionary algorithms to speed up multivariate testing. This high-level value proposition is aimed at Entreprise customers.

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn request
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditYes
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”freshmarketer-ab-testing”]14. Freshmarketer[/sta_anchor]

FreshMarketer (‘Zarget’) (India & USA) Freshworks bought Zarget in 2017 and renamed it Freshmarketer. The A/B testing platform is now part of a bewildering array of marketing tools offered by Freshworks. Despite this, the A/B testing tool comes as part of a generous Conversion Rate Optimization package which includes heat-mapping, personalisation, and page-editing features. The free option is gone and you now need to take the Conversion Rate Optimization Add-on starting from £165 for 10’000 visitors.

freshmarketer a/b testing

FreshMarketer (Zarget)
Setup and Subscription£165/month
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingYes
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”hiconversion-ab-testing-tool” unsan=”HiConversion A/B Testing Tool”]15. HiConversion[/sta_anchor]

HiConversion is based around a “Mobile Optimization Community”. The principle is that each member of the community shares the insights from their tests to help build shared optimization templates. This is complemented by full MVT capabilities and live-data optimization. Prices are only available on request, but this is known to be a high-cost option.

hiconversion a/b testing tool

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn Request
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes "Ensemble Testing"
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”inspectlet” unsan=”InspectLet A/B Test Tool”]16. InspectLet[/sta_anchor]

InspectLet (USA) started as a session recording and heatmaps tool, they later added A/B Testing to their software suite.  Features are pretty limited but enough to run straightforward A/B Tests. They offer a Free plan.

Inspectlet a/b testing tool

Setup and SubscriptionFree, then $39/month
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)No
Autopilot or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”monetate-ab-test-tool” unsan=”Kibo A/B Test Tool”]17. Kibo (Monetate)[/sta_anchor]

Monetate is joining with the personalisation software group Kibo to provide a new hybrid service. The platform is based around the principle of optimizing customer experiences and involves testing, personalisation and segmentation.

kibo a/b testing tools

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn Request (based on traffic)
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes "Ensemble Testing"
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”opentext-optimost-ab-testing” unsan=”OpenText Optimost A/B Testing”]18. OpenText Optimost[/sta_anchor]

OpenText OptiMost is a versatile platform that includes customer experience management and marketing. However, it is certainly more appropriate for larger businesses than small or medium enterprises, with the monthly cost typically over four figures.

opentext a/b testing tool

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn Request
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”oracle-maxymiser-ab-testing-tool” unsan=”Oracle Maxymiser A/B Testing Tool”]19. Oracle Maxymiser[/sta_anchor]

Maxymiser is another enterprise option with powerful testing capabilities. Where other tools create a package including consulting services, Oracle Maxymiser is a self-service tool. To make full use of the APIs and tracking features, you will need some technical expertise. This is a solution built for data-driven marketing departments with in-house IT support.

oracle a/b testing tools

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn Request
How Pages are LoadedClient Side/Server Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes "Ensemble Testing"
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”sitegainer-ab-testing-tool” unsan=”SiteGainer A/B Testing Tool”]20. Simplify (SiteGainer)[/sta_anchor]

Simplify (SiteGainer) purchased SiteGainer in 2018 to integrate the A/B testing to its conversion optimization platform. Pricing has been removed and the business model seems to have gone Entreprise.

symplify a/b testing tool

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn Request (based on traffic)
How Pages are LoadedClient Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes (new)
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”sitespect-ab-testing-tool” unsan=”SiteSpect AB Testing Tool”]21. SiteSpect[/sta_anchor]

SiteSpect is a feature-rich solution designed for large, high-volume websites. Each of the packages includes a ROI analysis by a SiteSpect expert and training for your marketing team. SiteSpect describes itself as the “Fastest Optimisation Platform,” which is important for websites that focus on high-impact graphics and user experiences.

sitespect a/b testing tools

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn Request
How Pages are LoadedDepends on Package
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes (new)
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor (not for server-side package)
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”site-tuners-ab-test-tool” unsan=”Site Tuners AB Test Tool”]22. SiteTuners[/sta_anchor]

SiteTuners are a CRO agency focused on partnerships and consulting. The tool they offer is priced according to the number of tests you run. Whilst the support provided is generous, this is not a particularly flexible option. It would suit a medium-sized company without its own CRO department.

site tuners a/b testing tools

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionCharged per test
How Pages are LoadedClient side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”webtrends-ab-testing-tool” unsan=”Webtrends A/B Testing Tool”]23. Webtrends Optimize[/sta_anchor]

Webtrends Optimize supports both A/B/n and multivariate testing across each of your marketing channels. The platform can be used as part of a self-service or “managed” software package, or as a hybrid of the two, so you can choose exactly how much support your team needs. The platform includes a range of additional features that are useful for a multi-channel strategy, such as email capture popups, re-marketing automation, Social Proof features and form optimisation.

webtrends optimizing ab testing tool

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and SubscriptionOn request
How Pages are LoadedClient Side or Server Side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)Yes
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”zoho-pagesense-ab-testing-tool” unsan=”Zoho Pagesense A/B Testing Tool”]24. Zoho Pagesense[/sta_anchor]

This tool from Zoho is an affordable and user-friendly way to perform website analytics. It supports all major integrations and offers a wide range of features. Although the platform does not support multivariate tests, it is a fantastic option for small and medium businesses who do not have the traffic required for those sorts of tests.

zoho pagesense tools

A/B Testing Tool Features
Setup and Subscription$18-435/month
How Pages are LoadedClient side
A/B/n Testing & Split TestingYes
Multivariate Testing (MVT)No
Autopilot Mode or Multi-Armed BanditNo
Page EditingWYSIWYG Editor
Tactics LibraryNo

[sta_anchor id=”ab-testing-tools-comparison”]Comparison of the 24 Best A/B Testing Tools in 2022[/sta_anchor]

ConvertizeGlassbox (Convertize)
0 + 49/monthClient Side with Lightning Mode   
Autopilot with Hybrid Algorithm
Neuromarketing Tactics
AB TastyAB TastyContact salesClient Side    Editor WYSIWYG 
Accenture Testing PlatformAccenture Testing Platform>25,500 + >10,000/monthClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
Adobe TargetAdobe TargetContact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
BoundBoundContact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
ConductricsConductricsContact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
ConvertConvert0 + 599/monthClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
EvolvEvolv0 + 95/monthClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
FreshMarketer (Zarget)FreshMarketer (Zarget)£165/monthClient Side     
Google Optimize 360Google Optimize 360Contact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
HiConversionHiConversionContact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
InspectLetInspectLet0 + 39/monthServer Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
KameleoonKameleoonContact salesClient/Server Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
Kibo MonetateKibo (Monetate)Contact salesClient/Server Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
OmniconvertOmniconvert$324/monthClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
OpenText OptimostOpenText OptimostContact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
OptimizelyOptimizelyContact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
Oracle MaxymiserOracle MaxymiserContact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
Symplify SiteGainerSymplify (SiteGainer)Contact salesClient Side  
With the Executive Plan
Contact salesProxy Server Method   Editor WYSIWYG 
SiteTunersSiteTuners$/test (contact sales)Client Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
VWOVWOContact salesClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
WebtrendsWebtrendsContact salesClient/Server Side   Editor WYSIWYG 
Zoho PagesenseZoho Pagesense0 + $18/monthClient Side   Editor WYSIWYG 

The top 10 tools on our list perform well in our comparison table. In particular, Optimizely, VWO and Convert provide robust tried-and-tested ways to test enterprise-level websites. However, with a couple of exceptions, they tend to be much more expensive than the challengers.

There are also some really good options among tools that are not known as A/B testing platforms. In particular, Zoho Pagesense have incorporated A/B testing features to create excellent all-round products.

Here are our recommendations for choosing an A/B testing tool in 2022:

  • The best solutions for large businesses: 1. Adobe Target 2. Optimizely 3. Google Optimize 360 (the integrations alone make this a great option)
  • The Best A/B testing tools for marketing teams: 1. Convertize 2. VWO  3. Optimizely (if you have the budget)
  • The Best A/B testing tools for small and medium-sized business: 1. Convertize 2. Zoho Pagesense 3. InspectLet

However, the A/B testing software market is in a healthy place, with solutions for every size and type of business. Most of the options in our list include a free trial (some as long as 60 days), so there is no reason not to try them for yourself.

[sta_anchor id=”learn-more-about-a-b-testing” unsan=”learn more about A/B testing”]Want to learn more about A/B Testing Tools and Conversion Optimization?[/sta_anchor]

Before you sign up for a subscription, it is important to be clear about the needs and resources of your business. An A/B testing tool costs money both directly and through the man-hours it takes up. The best way to ensure you run successful A/B tests is to bookmark the Convertize A/B Testing Guide 2022.

This free guide combines an introduction to A/B testing, a step-by-step guide to conducting tests and a significance calculator. By following it section-by-section, you can calculate your sample size, run tests to statistical significance and avoid some of the most common A/B testing mistakes.

If you have any feedback or insight into the A/B testing tools in our list, please consider giving our other readers the benefit of your experience. Leave your thoughts in the comments section and we will make sure they are reflected in our recommendations.

by Philippe Aimé

Philippe is the CEO of Convertize. He created his first website in 1998 and has spent the past 20 years finding ways to make digital marketing more persuasive. He now heads a team of CRO consultants.